
2011-02-01   作者:肖瑩瑩  來源:經(jīng)濟(jì)參考報


  China Developm ent Bank is one of four bidders inthe final round of the auction for W estLB,which isseeking a cash infusion to repair its finances,accord-ing to people fam iliar with the m atter.The others areU .S. leveraged-buyout firm s Blackstone G roup LP,A pollo G lobal M anagem ent LPand J.C . Flowers &Co.Finalbids for W estLB,which could drawbidsinthe neighborhoodof 10billioneuros ($13.74billion),are due Feb. 11. W hile China Developm entm ight not win the deal,and in fact it is possible nodeal for W estLB w ill m aterialize,its interesthighlights how Chinese banks and other institutions areflexing their m uscles on the
  world stage.

  IC B C,thew orld‘slargestbank bysom em easures,agreed to acquirean 80%stake inBankof East A sia Ltd.’s U .S . sub-sidiaryfor $140m illion. T hepact puts it inpositiontobecom ethefirst Beijing-controlledfinancial institution to acquireretail bankbranches intheU .S . Bankof E ast A sia,apubliclytradedcom panybasedinH ongK ong,hasatotal of 13branches inN ew Y orkandCalifornia.

  T he w ider econom ic engagem entisspearheadedbyfinancingdeals betw eenC hinaD evelopm ent
  B ank andtopIndian com panieslikeR elianceC om m unications,IC IC IB ank,E ssar andID BIBank . O ther financial groupsseekingtoexpandbusiness w ithIndiaincludeIndustrial
  andC om m ercial Bankof C hinaandB an k of C h in a . D eb t- laden R elian ceC om m unicationsisto gain low -cost financefrom Chinese banks w orthabout $2bn.

  Industrial andC om m ercial Bankof C hina(ICBC),one of the world’s biggest banks by m arketvalue,asked Peru for perm ission to open a local unit,the A ndeancountry’s bankingregulator saidonFriday.The applicationfrom China’s largest lendercom es
  as a num ber of Chinese m ining firm s m ove tostart projects in Peru. The two countries also share afree-trade pact.

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