
改革國(guó)際評(píng)級(jí)體系 推動(dòng)世界經(jīng)濟(jì)復(fù)蘇(英文版)
2012-07-31   作者:關(guān)建中  來源:經(jīng)濟(jì)參考網(wǎng)

Reform the International Rating System to Promote the World Economic Recovery
   Guan Jianzhong

    Although the international community has adopted a series of bailout actions to the global credit crisis since 2008, it is still uncertain about the deepening and spreading of the crisis, making it difficult to predict the prospects of the world economy. It is the most urgent task for the contemporary human society to explore the complicated origin of the crisis and choose the correct approach for the world economic recovery. 
    While studying the inherent law governing the formation, development and conclusion of the global credit crisis from the perspective of credit relationship, one discovers that two pairs of contradictions, namely the contradiction between production and credit and the one between credit and rating, are the impetus to drive the development of contemporary world economy.The nature of continuous expansion of production requires that consumption increase is promoted by increasing the credit demand, and the inherent requirement of the movement of this pair of contradictions is the pro-cyclical development of the credit; the subjects of credit are creditors and debtors, and the precondition for creditors and debtors to establish a credit relationship is that creditors require that ratings are assigned for debtors on their maximum debt ceiling underpinned by their real wealth creation capability, the inherent requirement of the movement of this pair of contradictions is the counter-cyclical development of the credit. Therefore, of these two pairs of contradictions, credit and rating constitute the principal contradiction, and rating is the principal aspect in the principal contradiction. The current international rating system has failed to follow this law; rather, it violates the principle that credit increase must be based on the capability of real wealth creation, complies with the needs of movement of the contradiction between production and the credit, and keeps on providing creditors with wrong rating information, leading to the breakdown of international credit relationship ultimately. The global credit crisis is a process of adjustment to the insolvent credit relationship established according to the wrong rating information. The practice of creating virtual credit relationship by increasing credit supply could transfer crisis only, as it can never rescue the crisis. The only way out for keeping the world economy from precarious economic situation is to establish a new international credit rating system that embodies the essential requirements of the credit economy and that is able to assume the rating responsibility for the whole world and to establish the credit relationship that is supported by the capability of real wealth creation through impartial ratings. The purpose of this paper is to pursue the correct approach for the world economic recovery. 
    I. The Mankind Has Entered the Societal Development Phase of Credit Economy
    After World War II, the contradiction between the capitalist production and consumption promoted a world-wide credit revolution. By world credit revolution, it means that the traditional credit model based on the real material wealth has been modified worldwide; the consumption demand has been expanded continuously on credit and beyond the real material wealth creation capability, in which credit relationship is integrated into the entire process of social reproduction, making credit relationship the economic foundation of modern society, influencing the overall economic and social activities of the humankind. The world credit revolution has experienced four stages of development:
    (I) The stage of US dollar-gold par value emerged. The US dollar –gold par value system means that the humankind has ended the thousands of years of history when there was no a unified pricing instrument for cross-border economic activities and the US dollar was chosen as the world currency, which is the starting point of reshaping human credit activities. The stage started from 1944 when the Bretton Woods System was established and ended in 1973 when the system collapsed, lasting 29 years in total. 
    As the world currency, the US dollar extremely expanded cross-border credit settlement, playing a critical role in promoting the internationalization of creditor-debtor relationship; the internationalization of credit relationship saved the cost of social reproduction by the maximum extent, making it a positive force to promote the economic development. As the basis of credit relationship is the production and trade of material assets during this stage, especially the US dollar is directly linked with gold, which restrained the excessive expansion of credit beyond the needs of real economic development; meanwhile, it became a shackle of further growth of consumption demanded by capital.  The imbalance in the development of capitalist production and consumption inevitably breaks the bondage of the gold standard credit regime with its powerful force to tap the credit resources that they require. From the perspective of relationship between production and consumption, credit resources are presented as the following: the production expansion involves the additional consumption scale increased in the manner of credit as well as the debt service resources for the credit scale demanded by the consumption increase; from the perspective of relationship between credit and debt, they are presented as: the amount of capital supply by the creditor and the debt service resources for the amount of capital demanded by the debtor. In 1971, the United States issued $70 billion beyond its gold reserve; the credit consumption beyond the productive capability of real material wealth destroyed the traditional credit model, thus the Bretton Woods System disintegrated afterwards. For the first time in human history, the humankind got rid of the limit on the expansion of credit demand worldwide by a precious metal as currency, and started the great practice of creating credit demand as the principal mode of economic growth.  
    (II) The stage that the state creates credit demand  
    That the state creates credit demand means that the contracting states of the Bretton Woods System were able to regulate the total size of the market credit by means of the volume of currency issuance, interest rate, and exchange rate on their own in order to meet the demand of production and consumption, without being restricted any longer by the current term wealth creation capability. The stage started from 1973 when the Bretton Woods System was disintegrated and ended in 1985 when the United States became a net debtor country, lasting 12 years in total. As no state can get rid of the restriction of real wealth while creating credit demand, this stage is characterized by utilization of the real-life credit resources.
    That the state creates credit demand is by no means the same as the state's issuing currency; rather, it is the inevitable choice of the state in order to resolve the inherent contradiction between production and consumption under the premise that the capitalist political and economic order has been established. The essence of the state's creation of credit demand is to expand the social consumption scale and overspend by means of increasing currency supply with the value created by the entire society in the current term as the pledge via the state creditworthiness. This has changed the previous model of consumption based on the value created in the current term; credit consumption is integrated into the social reproduction and injects into productivity development with unprecedented dynamics, promoting the global expansion of capital and starting an era of capitalist prosperity.
    That the state creates credit demand is realized via the socialization of credit-debt relationship by using monetary policies such as interest rate and foreign exchange rate. The expansion of the credit relationship at this stage is still based on the value created by the state in the current term to arrange the social credit consumption scale; the state that are entitled to issue international reserve currency increase the total social credit consumption volume of the state based on the value created by the whole world in the current term; due to the restriction by the inherent relations between the currency issuance volume and the total volume of the social material wealth, the credit-debt relationship at this stage is established on the basis of real material wealth, and guaranteed by real debt service resources, thus it is stable and there is no systematic debt crisis.
National credit resources ceiling is shown as the balance between the volume of money supply and the size of wealth created at the current term; and the general social price level serves as a barometer of the balance. The state cannot increase the total social credit demand excessively beyond the total volume of real wealth of the country. However, the state that is entitled to issue international reserve currency is able to continuously increase the total social credit volume to meet the demand of the capital expansion in the country by going beyond the material wealth created by the state in the current term. The contradiction between the limitation of increasing consumption and the unlimitedness of self-expansion of capital in the process of the state’s creating credit demand drives the state with the mintage for the world to expand the money supply volume by continuously going beyond the real wealth creation capability of the state; although such an act does not trigger inflation domestically, it does create credit inflation in an unconventional manner. It is the super liquidity provided by these states that pushes the human credit demand to yet another new stage. That the state creates credit demand has established the relationship between production and credit; when the first credit resources to develop this relationship runs exhausted, the contradiction between production and consumption promotes the development of the second credit resources. 
    (III) The stage that the market creates credit demand 
    That the market creates credit demand means that instead of regulating the market credit demand through such government-controlled credit instruments as money supply volume, interest rate and foreign exchange rate, social credit demand are created by the market based on the value that economies may create in the future through the design of a series of financing facilities enabling debtors to raise funds from creditors. The stage started from 1985 when the United States became a net debtor country and ended in 1995 when the large scale of financial derivatives entered the market, lasting 10 years in total. This stage is characterized by using future credit resources as the creation of credit demand by the market is based on the wealth to be created in the future. 
    The fundamental difference between the state’s creating credit demand and the market’s creating credit demand is that the government develops the realistic realizable value as credit resources by using the state creditworthiness and creating credit demand by regulating the money supply volume. In order to perform its duty of stabilizing the macro-economic and credit environment, the state not only proactively supervises the credit system risks, but also refrains its credit expansion behavior. That the market creates credit demand is a spontaneous behavior of capital that in order for capital to pursue greater profit space, it develops the future realizable value as credit resources by taking advantage of the contradiction between production and consumption, and between the limited first credit resources and the unlimitedness of capital expansion. In this stage, the benefit driven capital combination morphology composed of capital owners and occupants in credit relationship is the motive force for creating the social credit demand. As this is a unique mechanism to realize capital expansion through operating credit-debt relationship, it lacks immanent impetus to constrain risks; the state and market take turns in creating credit demand, and the principal function of the money in directly regulating the social credit demand fades out, making it gradually evolve into a pricing tool for credit relationship. 
    There is a great difference between the market's creation of credit demand and ordinary credit transaction. That the market creates credit demand means to tap the future credit resources on a large scale, so as to assume the responsibility of expanding the market credit consumption demand and balancing the contradiction between production and consumption through operating the credit-debt relationship in the special background that the realistic credit resources are no longer able to underpin the demand for production development. The conspicuous characteristics of the market's creating credit demand is to inject the value that could be generated in the future in the form of credit and debt and maintain the economic and societal vitality of the state. It represents an irreplaceable historical process. While ordinary credit transactions are behavior of local financing or profit making of capital, and this does not bring about any fundamental influence to social reproduction.
The stage that the market creates credit demand is of epoch-making significance: 
    1. Credit relationship became the economic basis of modern society. That the market creates credit demand changed the traditional way of formation of credit relationship which is dominated by financial media; it directly created one credit-debt relationship after another through various debt instruments; the fast socialization of credit relationship that it promoted integrated credit-debt relationship into the entire process of social reproduction, and credit relationship became the basic economic relationship between social members; the social credit system directly constructed by the benefit driven capital owners and users, demonstrating a strong merging power: not only did it absorb the indirect financing system it also enabled the superstructure to highly rely on the credit system for normal operation. Thus the economic basis of the human society has undergone dramatic changes. Meanwhile, the market also promoted the internationalization of credit relationship; the global credit system was established, the world economy is connected into an integral whole that is mutually dependent through credit-debt relationship. 
    2. New driving force was generated that would influence the course of human economic and social development. Credit is presented as a common form of capital when borrowing with the value that might be created in the future as a pledge became the principal way of supply for the capital needed for social reproduction; credit = future solvency = capital, at this moment, the relationship between production and consumption is transferred into the relationship between production and credit. The subjects of credit are creditors and debtors, and the asymmetry of debtors’ solvency risk information is the principal contradiction formed during the process of socialization of credit relationship; therefore, the highly socialized credit relationship chose professional credit rating agencies to solve the problem of asymmetry of credit risks information, establishing a relationship between credit and rating. In the stage that the market creates credit demand there emerges two pairs of contradictions, namely, the contradiction between production and credit, and the one between credit and rating; of these two pairs of contradictions, relation between credit and rating is the principal contradiction, which plays the decisive role over production and credit, and rating is the principal aspect of the principal contradiction. This pair of contradictions is interdependent and its motion promotes the development of economic society that is based on credit relationship. 
    3. Credit relationship became the new form of possession and distribution of the world wealth. The credit globalization constitutes the foundation of the world economy supported by the credit system and debt system. Major developed countries took advantage of their status as issuers of international currencies and their dominant say in the rating business, and transferred the wealth of the credit system to the debt system in the manner of being in debt; since then the capitalist system embarked on the path that their prosperous status is maintained by high indebtedness. 
    In this stage, the credit relationship is established entirely on the prediction of the future value creation capability, so it is extremely uncertain, increasing the possibility of systematic defaults. That the market creates credit demand established the position of the relationship  between production and credit in the modern credit economy; when the second credit resources that maintain the relationship became exhausted, the contradiction between production and consumption promoted the development of the third credit resources, meanwhile, it pushed the human credit demand to an era of termination.   
    (IV) The stage of virtual credit demand. 
    By virtual credit demand, it refers to the credit demand that lacks the support of realistic and future value creation capability, and essentially it is a credit bubble. Virtual credit demand is realized in Western countries where the low-income population who lacks real solvency is encouraged to raise debt and repeated development is conducted to the existing credit relationship, credit derivatives are innovated and credit demand is artificially designed. The stage started from 1995 when large-scale financial derivatives entered the market and gradually occupied the dominant position in direct financing and ended in 2008 when the credit crisis broke out, lasting 13 years in total. Since there is no real wealth as the basis for the virtual credit demand, the stage is characterized by utilizing the completely non-existent credit resources.  The credit relationship created by the virtual credit demand has neither real wealth as the basis nor wealth that could be created in the future as support; though the transactions are real, the credit relationship thus established is virtual as the solvency of debtors is designed on a series of assumptions. The region with the most developed credit relationship of this kind is the very area that has the most vulnerable segment in the global credit chain. The virtual credit demand symbolizes that the development and exploitation of credit resources by capital has come to the end; the credit crisis that broke out in the Wall Street in 2008 declared the termination of this era. The global credit system started its journey of dissolution from the United States where the bubble credit relationship is most pervasive, and this is the global credit crisis. 
    The world credit revolution led by developed countries changed the drive of economic growth from consuming the material wealth created in the current term for hundreds of years to consuming the value that might be created in the future or the virtual wealth; and it promoted the socialization and globalization of credit-debt relationship, injected credit relationship into every section of social reproduction so as to make it a fundamental element of social productivity, which triggered a dramatic change of social relationship. As the capital’s movement morphology, the status of credit relationship is decisive to the sustainability of social reproduction. The sum total of credit relationships constitutes the social credit system, and the credit system connects the society to an integral whole, which establishes the world economic foundation composed of the credit system and debt system. Since then, the humankind entered the societal development phase of credit economy. 

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