
2013-04-22   作者:廖冰清/編譯  來源:經濟參考報

    U.S. regulators approved on Friday a revamped battery system for Boeing Co’s 787 Dreamliner,a crucial step in returning the high-tech jet to service after it was grounded in January because its lithium-ion batteries overheated.

  The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) approval of design changes allows Boeing to immediately begin making repairs to the fleet of 50 planes owned by airlines around the world. 

  Planes now need to be fitted with a “containment and venting”system for both the lithium-ion batteries. That includes a stainless-steel enclosure to prevent heat,fumes or fire from spreading if a battery overheats in flight,said the FAA.    

  FAA administrator Michael Huerta said:“A team of FAA certification specialists observed rigorous tests we required Boeing to perform and devoted weeks to reviewing detailed analysis of the design changes to reach this decision.”

  Jim McNerney,Boeing’s chief executive,said the FAA’s decision “clears the way for us and the airlines to begin the process of returning the 787 to flight with continued confidence in the safety and reliability of this game-changing new airplane”.

  FAA said airlines needed to replace the batteries to return to service. It said it will publish a final directive next week. Other international regulators are likely to follow but it will still be a couple of weeks before flights resume.

  All of the 50 Boeing 787 planes in service were grounded in mid-January after their lithium-ion batteries emitted smoke on several separate occasions.

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