
    2009-11-09    作者:曾德金    來源:經(jīng)濟參考報


    Residential property prices are rising across much of Asia,prompting fears of a real estate bubble. Apartments are selling for staggering prices,and central banks and finance ministries have begunto ①rein in property-related stimulus measures.
    Yet it seems only yesterday that prices were falling,giving rise to fears of a ②hard landing for property investors ③that could have destroyed huge amounts of personal wealth and delayed the recovery.
    In Hong Kong,for example,prices for apartments costing more than HK$10m(US$1.3m)fell 6.2 per cent in the third quarter of last year,according to Savills Research, which feared that luxury prices might fall by a further 40-45 per cent by the end of this year.
    As it turn sout,luxury apartment prices in Hong Kong are now 30 per cent above their low point in the fourth quarter of 2008,with prices up 14 per cent just between the second and third quarter this year in favoured neighbourhoods. Similarly in Singapore,prices for private homesrose 15.8 per cent in the third quarter from the second,the first such rise in more than a year.In China,prices are up 37 per cent year-on-year.
  So is Asia in the grip of a bubble or just enjoying a healthy reaction to excessive gloom and doom of the end of last year? No one really knows, but some governments and central banks are taking limited pre-emptive action just in case.
    In Singapore, the government has shut down bank lending schemes that allowed buyers to defer mortgage payments on uncompleted developments, and hinted at land sales to increase supply. Tharman Shanmugaratnam, Singapore’s finance minister,told the Financial Times that these measures appeared to be having some effect, but it was not clear whether further action was needed. “It is worth watching very carefully,”hesaid.
    South Korea’s financial regulator has tightened rules on borrowing,and in Hong Kong the central bank has warned that low interest rates are not sustainable. It increased the required down-payment on homes costing more than HK$20m by a third, to 40 per cent.
    However, no country other than Australia—gripped by a China-fuelled commodity boom—has taken the step of raising benchmark interest rates to cool demand. That reluctance reflects fears that higher rates could choke off domestic recovery and push up Asian currencies against the US dollar, harming trade prospects.
    It also suggests central banks are not yet sufficiently sure that an asset price bubble is forming.
    Jim Rogers, the Singapore-based international investor,said there were clearly hot spots but no general region-wide bubble.
    “I would not think about buying in Hong Kong or Shanghai,but it is not so widespread that all of Asia is in some sort of ④property bubble,” Mr Rogers told the FT. “It may happen... but I don’t think it’s happening now.”
    Some observers go further,asserting that the bubble is an illusion. Matt Nacard, Tuck Yin Soong and Eva Lee, property analysts at Macquarie Research, say price growth is  likely to slow significantly next year because it has been largely a product of the ⑤stimulus measures introduced to fight off recession.
    Frederic Neumann, senior Asia economist at HSBC in Hong Kong,says policymakers will have to raise rates eventually from the extraordinarily low levels reached during the global financial crisis, but are right to hold their fire for now. “If left unaddressed, the current monetary set-up in Asia will ultimately blow abubble of mind-boggling size, but so far the train has not left the station,” MrNeumannsays.






    ①rein相當于“control”,作名詞時,意味“韁繩”,可引申為“控制”的意思,作動詞時,意為“勒韁繩使(馬)停步,駕馭,控制”,非常形象地表達了“收緊刺激措施”的含義。②hard landing,硬著陸,與之相對應(yīng)的是soft landing,軟著陸。③that could have destroyed huge amounts of personal wealth and delayed the recovery定語從句,先行詞是hardlanding,couldhavedestroyed這一虛擬結(jié)構(gòu)表示“過去本能夠做某事卻未做”,意在表明人們對這種潛在破壞的擔憂。④property bubble即為房地產(chǎn)泡沫,還有real estate bubble,housing bubble等表達方式。⑤the stimulus measures introduced to fight off recession中的introducedtofightoffrecession為后置定語,相當于一個定語從句,即the stimulus measures that/which are introduced to fight off recession。

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